What's up with the teens today?

Are you a teen?

I am sixteen years old and I could say that I'm a young adult. Do you still remember the changes that occured to you? Because I still do.  Going to the stage of adolescenes, we learn to be responsible in every action we do. We make decision that could be best for us, but are the teens today really like that? We, teens are very far not like that. Philippines' national hero, Dr. Jose Rizal said that the children are the hope of the future. But I'm afraid that he is wrong.

Teens today get involve with PRE-MARITAL SEX that cause unwanted pregnancy. If there is UNWANTED PREGNANCY there would be abortion. Teens today are involve with DRUGS. They take cocaine, mary jane and other prohibited drugs, that RUINED THEIR LIVES and their RELATIONSHIP WITH THEIR FAMILY. They take drugs not for health purposes but to get high and forget their miseries, but they don't know that their happiness would only be temporary, it won't last long. Teens today are involved with HENIOUS CRIMES, they learned to kill, steal and abused.

What's up with the teens today? What happened to those children that would bring a change to the world? Like the climate, teens today are changing, they become abusive. I know that nothing in this world is constant except from change, but why change for something bad, why not change for something good?  I'm a teen and I'm concern with my fellow.

What's up with us today???
