Angels O:)


An Angel is a supernatural being or spirits found in various religions and mythologies. They are servants of God and a guardian spirit.

Do you believe in Angels? I do believe in them the way I believe in fairies, wizards, witches, werewolves, vampires and mutants. Would you believe me if I told you that they exist? I guess not. Only little children still believe in such things, right? But I still believe in them though I'm already sixteen.

Angels... Ever since I'm young I do believe that angels are real. Each of us have angels that's what I belive, but other say that once you reach adolescenes and adulthood your angel would leave you, but I don't believe in them.

Angels can't be seen by the naked eyes, but you know our angels are just beside us even if we can't see them and they never leave our side even we are already grown up. Actually our angels increased in numbers as we grow. We just don't noticed it. Our friends are angels, the people we love are angels and your family are actually angels. Even you are an angel.

When we said angels it does not literally mean that they need to have wings and halos. When we say angels it means someone who loves us and cares for us. Someone who wants us to be happy and keeps us safe all the time.

My readers are my angels...
