Normalizing Gender Equality

Women and men are equal partners in the development of the nation. However, genders are pervasively stereotype. We can still hear some women say that the essence of being a women is being a mother, which they probably got from 1997 Miss Universe Sushmita Sen, while men are seen as providers. We are in the 21st century, yet the deep seated norms are still expressed and hand down from generations to generations. Could you believe that there are still some people who believed that women are nurturers, weak and inferior, while men are leaders, strong and superior? When in fact, women can be leaders and men can be nurturers. Gender norms in the past should be cancelled and we should start normalizing equality in gender. We should accept the new conformity that husbands are doing household chores while their wives are working, or men being feminine. Let's eradicate the imbalance in power relations that cause violence against women and girls, because women have a say on their ...