The Girl Who Seek

© Salgoo

             There was a girl who lived beyond the woods away from the town and she was happily living on her own. She wasn't bother about what others have for she was contented for everything she had. She was happy living in a small cottage with enough food and she wasn't lonely at all for she had her animal friends who kept her company. Until one day an old woman knocked on her door and asked for a glass of water, but the girl didn't just give her a glass of water, she also gave her a slice of bread.
 The old woman saw the girl's kindness, so she gave her a present before she left, but the girl didn’t know what to do with the gift she had received. She stared at it for quite some time as if it would reveal itself, but time passed by and nothing happened with it , so the girl set it aside on the table and went on with her chores. The next day, a man with fox ears and wearing a tail coat and a brimmed hat came into her house. The man asked if she had some bread to spare for he was hungry, and the girl gave him some bread and a cup of coffee.
As the man ate, he noticed the gift on the table and he told the girl how fortunate she was to receive such great gift, but it seemed that there's nothing special with it for it was just LOVE. Then the girl who believed that she had no used with it, asked the man if he'd like to have it, but he said no and advised the girl to use it wisely, because he said that it was hard to find. The man left the girl still wondering what to do with it, until the girl looked out of the window. She thought of going to the town to ask what it is, so the next day she went to town.
The town was beautiful and lively, there was an elephant who sells balloons and when he saw the girl, he gave her a red balloon. The girl also saw a feline woman who led her to the pastry shop and bought her a red velvet cupcake. The girl felt happy, yet she still didn't know what to do with the gift she had received, either what it was, so she went back to the elephant and asked what it was, but like the man who had asked for a bread, he said that it was the greatest gift a person could have. The girl then asked again, how did he know, but the elephant said you would just feel it, but the girl still didn't understand it, so she went to the feline woman and asked her the same thing, but the feline woman said the same thing.
The girl was disappointed because no one could tell her exactly what it was so she headed back home and kept it in her drawer since she was still clueless with what it was or what to do with it, and she returned to her normal life.
Meanwhile the old woman and the fox - man was watching her, and they hoped that one day the girl would find its worth, and once she finds it, she would be happy and she would be able to understand everything.
