Living with Cancer

I was a year old when my father died, but it feels like I have lived with him until now, as if he wasn't gone for seventeen years. My dad died because of cancer, though I was still very young, I could still remember most of it that I spend time with him, especially when my mom tells me. I could picture the blood running in his nose and the pain he felt. I didn't understand what cancer was before. I thought it's just like fever or cold, but it's worse than any illness, it can take away your life. I thought cancer would leave our life, but it doesn't.

When I was in sophomore, my uncle felt nausea and he felt wobbly. He thought that it was just because of over fatigue, so he just it aside, and then it happened again and he started to lose consciousness. When my mom and my aunt took him to the hospital, they found out that he was sick, seriously sick. My aunt's world shattered and ours too. Not him, too. Why in the world did Cancer always target my family? First it took my dad and now he's trying to take my uncle who became my second dad.

My uncle went on different treatments that may help him, but it only prolonged his life. I'd seen my uncle changed from a healthy man to a feeble man. I saw him lost his hair and his weight and his ability to walk. I'd seen how much he suffer from that disease. I'd seen my Aunt wept when he was asleep, and I'd seen people tried to pretend that they care. My mom was always there for my aunt, since my aunt could not walk that much like before, she needs to have a crane to support her, and my mom did the business for them. It's just always me and my niece at home together with our maid.

When the doctor finally said that there's nothing they could do, that's when I realized that in any moment my uncle would be gone. We tried to accept it all, because that's what life is. Some people will live and some will die. My mom and my aunt took my uncle home. I always heard my uncle howl in pain, because he could not speak anymore, cancer had spread all over his body already. Whenever I would see my uncle, it tore my heart apart, because I could see my dad. That would be the same feeling my dad felt when he was still alive and trying to fight his disease.

Until one day, when I came home from school, my mom was silent and my uncle's bed was empty. My mom solemnly told me that my uncle had passed away. I cried, didn't know what to do. It was hard to lose someone who was close to you. I wasn't able to tell my uncle I love him and I appreciate all the things he did for me, those times that he fetch me in school and cure my wounds, and most of all for being a father like to me.

Just then my special friend blame those cancer patients for having cancer, because they didn't take care of their selves. It is not their fault! They didn't choose to have cancer! My dad and my uncle didn't choose to have cancer! It's not something we could just shoo away. Cancer came in like a speeding bullet and when you  realize that you'd been hit when you see yourself bleeding.

I'd live with people who had cancer all my life and some people don't understand that, they think I'm being too sensitive, but would they still say that when they had live with Cancer controlling their lives? I lost my dad because of cancer and I lost my father like uncle because of Cancer. It's hard to lose someone, and some people don't understand that because they hadn't experience it yet.
