
I'm reading Paulo Coelho's book Veronika Decides to Die and you know it is the best book I have read. It's about Veronika who decides to die, I know you would ask why she decided to do that, my only answer to that is she's tried of her life. Of course who won't be tired doing the same things everyday? You wake up, brush your teeth, comb your hair, drink coffee and go to work. It is a monotonous life, even I would be bored to death like her, but of course you would say that she's to shallow to commit a suicide besides she's too young and probably you would say that she's being insane. Yes, her action is so crazy...

But what did it meant to be crazy? Veronika asked the same question to Zedka. Well Veronika was put into an asylum after she failed to kill herself and I'm just curious why did they put her in an asylum if she's perfectly normal and she had no manifestation of being insane thought her action is pretty crazy but she's not a madwoman. Well she's being used as instrument for a thesis Dr. Igor is doing.

"Anyone who lives in her own world is crazy. Like schizoprenic, psychopaths, maniacs. I mean people who are different from others." - Zedka.

So if I'm different then I'm probably crazy is that what Zedka tries to tell Veronika? Perhaps it is but would you say that a person who believe in angels, leprechauns, griffins and centaurs is crazy? A psychologist might say that that person is schizoprenic because he believes in such things that has never even existed. He's having a delirium.

"On the other hand," Zedka continued, pretending not to hear the remark, "you have Einstein, saying that there was no time or space just a combination of two. Or Columbus, insisting that on the other side of the world lay not an abyss but a continent. Or Edmund Hillary, convinced that a man could reach the top of Everest. Or the Beatles, who created a different sort of music and dressed like people from another time. Those people - and thousands of others - all lived in their own world."

So Taylor Swift is crazy because she's creating a different sort of music as well as Regina Skeptor and Nicki Minaj. Shakespeare and Robert Frost is also crazy because they were trying to live in their own world. In that case they should be put into an Asylum even I should be placed in an asylum because I talk like crazy and think like crazy. Veronika understand what did it means to be crazy and I do too. It's not bad to be crazy or insane because one way or another we are all crazy.

"Insanity is the inability to communicate your ideas. It's as ifyou were in a foreign country, able to understand everything that's going on around you but incapable of explaining what you need to know or of being helped, because you don't understand the language they speak there." - Zedka.

You might be one of us... I'm crazy...
