Five Years From Now
I don’t know what my future will be because there’s still the present that I have to live in order to build my future, but who in this world does not think of the future, even I do. I am as curious as anybody else what my future will be and there are times that I think that maybe I’ll be a bum, knocking on doors and asking for a penny or something and sometimes I think that I’ll be what I dream of, but I can’t tell if that will happen. I always see myself as in front of the computer, writing something extraordinary and something out of experience with a cup of coffee beside my computer and piles of manuscript that still need some polishing and lots of sticky note posted in my board. I will have eye bags and I will look like a zombie. I don’t have a family yet, because I am so dedicated with what I am doing and I think a family will just intervene with my work. There will be deadlines that I have to meet and I’m starting to get crazy because I don’t know what else to do, but after a...